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Clinton Ranking High Among Politically Indifferent Females

Amanda Damone

A recent Quinnipiac poll found that former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is polling well among politically indifferent females.

Regardless of their political party or whether they have been following the debates, politically indifferent female Americans have consistently expressed leanings toward Secretary Clinton.

“I’m voting for Hillary because she’s a woman—I have a uterus and so does she!” stated one female voter.

Clinton admits that she has an edge in garnering support from the female community, given that she herself is a female.

“Yes, I am a human woman. It is also true that no human woman has held the presidency of the United States before. I am the only presidential frontrunner who knows what it is like to have a vagina, and I am therefore the only one who could break with the tradition of presidents not having vaginas.”

Following several seconds of skimming newspaper headlines, politically indifferent voter and human female Wanda Desmond stated that Senator Sanders and Senator Cruz were men and that if we had a woman in the White House, any woman, she would take care of all of our nation’s problems.

Politically indifferent females are keeping their decision-making process simple because many of them find the campaigning process to be drawn-out and uninteresting. To quickly decide whom to vote for, they look at their own gender, and then they look at the gender of previous presidents. From there, voters compare previous presidents’ genders to those of current presidential candidates.

Some males who would like to have a person who produces estrogen in the oval office have also stated that they will vote for Clinton in November.

In reaction to the recent polling results, political activists reminded the nation to tune in to Fox News to find real reasons to vote.

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