Want to Barnacle?
"But I’m not funny!"
Yes, you are! We have some guidelines, though.
General Guidelines
Minimum word count: 250 to 350 words
It’s a digital publication, shoot for the stars
Could be anything: QU related, politics, pop culture
If you think of a ridiculous scenario that could never happen … write it - there’s a disclaimer saying this article is fake, go for it
Use fake people (students / faculty / staff) for quotes
Be sure to double check they are not attending or have not attended Quinnipiac - you’d be surprised
You can swear, no slurs
We want your creativity to shine. Remember, we're not QU Barstool, so we’ve created a blacklist of easy targets - jokes that can be exhausting and that we’ve heard before attending freshman orientation.
Java John
Hep creek
Chartwells (we know the food is bad)
Tom Ellett - only in terms of direct slander to him though, you may use Ellett for fake quotes. All other QU figures (ex: President Olian, pub safety, coaches) are free reign
Honestly, if you heard the joke over and over again, it’s not worth the time. Just like a news piece, remember certain topics only stay relevant for a certain amount of time.
We look forward to your humor as long as it does not contain: misogyny, racism, homophobia, transphobia, violence or other demeaning content. The Barnacle is meant for jokes and creativity — any work meant to harm others will not be accepted.
For any and all inquiries, please email: quinnipiacbarnacle@gmail.com