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Other Groups Trump Plans to Ban

Lauren McGrath

After signing an Executive Order banning immigration to the United States from seven muslim countries, President Donald Trump sat down with The Quinnipiac Barnacle to discuss what other groups of people he plans on banning from the country, for reasons of national security.

  • Any person who enjoys coleslaw: Trump would like to make clear that he is not one of these people and that the appetizer is overrated and disgusting.

  • Any person who has held or who is currently holding a position at 7/11: This is prudent for national security and in no way has to do with anyone's religion.

  • People who use the "text talk" feature while in public: President Trump finds this to be annoying.

  • Any person whose name rhymes with Witt Lomney

  • Any person or group of people who enjoy rap music: excluding Eminem and Macklemore of course.

  • People who drag their feet: Trump feels this shows insecurity, something that does not represent american values

  • Fans of the actor Alec Baldwin: He is a suspected terrorist as are his followers.

  • People who spell the name Megan as Megyn: This group of people are infected with a disease causing blood to pour out of them.

  • People that are Team Jacob instead of Team Edward: These people do not hold traditional american values.

  • Rosie O'Donnell: bitch.

  • Anyone who disagrees with President Trump on any matter in which he has ever expressed an opinion: Mr. President would like to be clear that he has never once changed his mind on any matter, ever.

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