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Amanda Damone

Politically correct local racist Aaron Heuskin has been struggling to convey his feelings. Given the recent Syrian refugee crisis, Heuskin is very interested in expressing some opinions, but reportedly cannot support either the liberals or the conservatives, given that he would need to avoid calling liberals “irresponsible” or conservatives “xenophobes” in this attempt to take a side.

These types of awkward interactions are not uncommon for Heuskin, and reports show his family is also guilty of quietly housing prejudiced beliefs. During a recent family gathering, witness and neighbor of the Heuskins, Jewish person Sarah Adelstein was treated with cloaked passive aggression for asking to borrow some sugar and was neither invited to come inside nor blatantly turned away. The Heuskins relayed to Adelstein that she “can just keep the sugar forever,” before slowly and respectfully closing the door.

Sources close to Heuskin claim he learned how to be racist from his grandmother, who prefers the term “senior citizen” to “elderly,” and from the environment of his hometown, a wealthy suburb where he attended private school. Given the high population of white people in his neighborhood, and given his inability to “explore other cultures” without having to drive thirty minutes into the city, Heuskin developed a fondness for the only race he had ever encountered, and complete confusion toward photos and videos of non-white people. Heuskin’s life was further complicated by the politeness of his and other local families in that he is now unable to express his ideas, since he cannot risk offending others when he makes judgements about their race or ethnic background. Heuskin’s friends insist he’s “pretty fine with women and their rights, at least.”

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