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Brock Turner Outraged

Lauren McGrath

Convicted rapist Brock Turner has come forward to express outrage towards his early release. Turner was sentenced to serve six months in prison, but he was forced to leave after only serving three months, just half of a dramatically reduced sentenced. Turner revealed that the jail had become his home, and being thrust out of it into the public felt like a violation of his right to fair punishment. Forcing a person to do something that he doesn’t consent to is an idea that he does not support.

“Cell #4355 was my home. It makes this place look like a dumpster,” he said while gesturing wildly to his front yard. “Can you imagine sleeping behind a dumpster? It’s disgusting!”

His early release sparked a national controversy that questioned the bias and fairness behind his sentencing. Turner agreed with the general public that there was a heavy amount of prejudice playing against him in his trial. “It was completely unfair. Apparently, two witnesses seeing me violently rape someone isn’t enough to deserve a longer sentence. If I was black or Hispanic, I definitely would have been blessed with a longer sentence.”

Local librarian Sally Hansen disagreed with the public outrage surrounding the case. “He’s a good kid with a promising future, and he learned his lesson. It wasn’t like he did anything that bad, really. He could have done something really heinous like selling pot. Now that would have deserved twenty-five years to life.”

The former Stanford swimming star had hoped that his swimming career would work against him in the trial. “I didn’t realize how important swimming is to America. It’s not like I’m a Division I football player. I didn’t think anyone would care about swimming.”

Turner had a few final comments regarding his release explaining why he would prefer incarceration. “Everyone keeps asking me if jail was scary, and to them I say of course not. The real world is much scarier. Look at all of the criminals who are free out here: robbers, murderers, and even rapists. Believe me I should know.”

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