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Brendan Splaine

Coming from a lifelong bully and avid fan of the world wide web, this might seem strange, but cyber bullying is just lazy. I too was once young and enticed by the prospect of breaking somebody down emotionally from anywhere in the world. It sounded magical, but it was just too good to be true. At first I saw the appeal of a well-timed tweet or rude YouTube comment that could really knock somebody’s self-esteem down a few pegs, but no more.

There’s no human element to cyber-bullying, because the message coming from behind a keyboard really lightens the blow. Think about it: people will see a well-phrased quip about all of the benefits of an individual drinking bleach, but they just get ignored.

The once respected members of the bullying brotherhood are considered mere “trolls” when their talents are taken to the web.

Plus, cyber-bullying is creating an oversaturation of the market from all these many amateurs trying to steal the show from the professionals. Quite frankly, it sickens me more than when I made the that peanut-allergic freak Jason Fagerberg eat an entire bag of spiders followed by an entire bag of peanuts followed by another spider-bag and then a peanut spider puree.

As a student of the game who has studied the likes of all-time greats such as Nelson Munts, that kid who had jaundice from Doug, and any American president who had policy pertaining to Native Americans, I just don’t see the fundamentals anymore. Bullies used to be revered for their ability to pick out an individual’s greatest insecurities in a heartbeat, and then exploit the fuck out of them. Now, a bully is lucky to break a kid down on a psychological level well enough that he cries before he gets home. Back in my day, it was a rare occurrence if I didn’t catch a kid faking heart palpitations at least once a week.

There’s no respect for the classics anymore. Gone are the days of wedgies, swirlies, and assault and batteries. Now it’s all about sending dick-pics from somebody else’s Snapchat, or making a Pintrest page dedicated to the reasons why your mom cheated on your dad. Hopefully some young-blood will come and rejuvenate the game, and strike fear into the hearts of those who didn’t come from broken homes. Otherwise, I don’t see a bright future for the bullying community.

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